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System Requirements

To ensure optimal performance and compatibility when using our VR training Unity plugin SDK, developers should adhere to the following system requirements:

Software Requirements

  • Unity Engine: The SDK is compatible with Unity Version 2022.3.20f1. It's essential to use this version to ensure feature compatibility and stability. This version can be downloaded from the Unity download archive.

  • Android Build Tools: When prompted within Unity, ensure to download the necessary Android build tools. These are crucial for building and deploying to VR headsets like the Oculus Quest 2 and Vive Focus.

Hardware Requirements

  • VR Headsets: The SDK will support any headset which comes under the OpenXR umbrella, including Meta Quest and HTC Vive headsets. Ensure that these devices are running their latest firmware for optimal performance.

  • Desktop Specifications: For a detailed breakdown of the necessary hardware specifications, developers are advised to refer to the system requirements delineated for Unity 2022.3.20f1. This can be found in the Unity Manual under the System Requirements section.

It's imperative to ensure that the development environment aligns with both our SDK's requirements and those of Unity to ensure a seamless development experience.

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