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Fade will fade a users vision over a given amount of time. This is useful for times when you need to move the user to another location or to indicate a change in time

A fade out and fade in step back to back


Fade Step

Follow these steps to set up a Fade that will progress the user in the graph when the duration has completed.

  1. Open a graph.

  2. Right click and Create a new Fade node (Steps → Fade).

  3. Set the target alpha to be either 1 (Fading to black) or 0 (Fading to transparent)

  4. Set the duration to be how long you want the fade to occur.

It is often useful to have 2 fades sequentially. With the first fading to black and the next fading back to transparent, with other events happening in between such as a change in location or environment.

For more information on the other inputs and outputs found on this node see Steps

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