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Within the Luminous Flow SDK's Graph Visual Scripting system, 'Steps' serve as the core tasks users must complete to navigate through a scenario. These are the milestones that guide users on their VR training journey.

Basic Structure of a Step Node

Image of a Step Node

  • Start Connection: The initiating point or the precursor from which this step is triggered.

  • Complete: Determines the next step or node that gets activated upon completion of the current step.

  • Start Actions: Defines the set of actions activated as the step begins. Refer to the Actions section for a detailed breakdown.

  • Complete Actions: Specifies the actions that are triggered upon the step's completion.

  • Is Skip Point: A toggle to decide if the step is skippable using the Hand menu. Dive deeper into this functionality in the Hand Menu section.

  • T P A (Training, Practice, Assessment): Denotes in which game modes this step is essential. For a deeper understanding, explore the Training, Practice, Assessment Mode.

  • Failable: Indicates if the step has the potential for incorrect execution. More details are available in the Fail Reasons.

  • Bell: Toggle for audio feedback upon step completion.

While all steps share these basic functionalities, individual step types introduce their unique features tailored to their specific interactions. For instance, the 'Grab' step includes a specific “Object to Grab” parameter. Only by interacting with the specified object can users progress in the scenario; other objects, even if grabbed, won't advance the training.


Not all Nodes work by them selves, in fact most will need some extra logic on the GameObjects they are interacting with. For a GameObject to interact with the graph we need a way to communicate these events. For this we have Middleman scripts. These lightweight scripts will be what we reference in the graph on the relevant steps.

The Grabbable Middleman Script

We will go through any middleman scripts or anything else extra needed for a node to work in the relevant node pages.

Step Types Supported by the Flow SDK:

Each of these step types offers a unique interaction, ensuring a varied and comprehensive training experience. Dive into each one to harness their full potential and integrate them effectively within your VR scenarios.

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