Teleport to Location
A Teleport to Location step is a step that will complete once a user has teleported to the specified teleport point. This can be useful to ensure a user is in the right location for another step. For more information on Teleports see the Teleport Point Page in Locomotion
Follow these steps to set up a Teleport to Location object that will progress the user in the graph when a user teleports to this location.
In your module scene Look for the GameObject named Locations > Teleports > Teleport Point
Duplicate the teleport point.
Place this teleport point at your desired location.
Open a graph.
Right click and Create a new Teleport to Location node (Steps → Teleport to Location).
Reference the Teleport point created on the step.
Create a Set Object Active State Action in the graph and reference the Visuals child GameObject of your chosen Teleport point. Set this to be active. (By default teleport points have their visuals turned off and should only be turned on when needed as per our Design Standards)
Teleport Visuals
Changing how a teleport point looks is simple. Depending on the Teleport Point type you can change its visuals by changing which GameObjects are inside the Teleport points visuals.
Here we can see by turning on the Direction GameObject we get an arrow that shows which direction a user will face once they have teleported there.
For more information on the other inputs and outputs found on this node see Steps