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Getting Started

Embarking on your journey with Luminous Flow? You're in the right place. This section is designed to provide developers with a streamlined introduction to effectively leveraging the capabilities of the Flow SDK.

Please watch our getting started video:

And here's a breakdown of the initial steps to set you on the right path:


To get started with Flow SDK, there are some key pre-requisites you’ll need to have in place. This includes specific software installations and Unity packages that are integral to the functioning of Flow SDK.

Installation Guide

Begin by setting up the Flow SDK within your Unity environment. Our installation guide ensures a smooth process, helping you avoid common pitfalls.

Creating Your First Scenario

After setting up, it's time to dive into creating your first VR training scenario. We'll guide you step-by-step, ensuring you grasp the core functionalities of the SDK.

Follow the links to each section, and in no time, you'll be proficiently utilising Luminous Flow for your VR training simulations.

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