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Setting up your first Module

As per our philosophy, we believe the less time you have to spend in setting up your scenario, the more time you can spend crafting amazing experiences. That's why we have created the Interactions Sample Scene (located in open-xr-template-core > Scenes > Modules) to help get you started.

The Interactions Sample Scene

The Interactions Sample Scene is a guide for you to get familiar with how a Graph and other objects can be configured. It contains examples of each of Steps as well as uses pre configured prefabs (located in open-xr-template-core > Prefabs > Ready To Use Prefabs) that you can use to help set up your own scenarios.

Ready to use prefabs

Play through the sample interactions scene to get a feel for the different interactions you can use and use the testing a module guide if you aren't already aware of the steps needed to play the example scene.

Creating Your Own Modules

Now you are aware of the interactions sample scene we can start building out our own module.

First lets imagine a user journey and then convert that to a set of steps we can use in the graph.

”I want to go to a work bench, select a tool, move to the work site, inspect a faulty pipe, use the tool then go back to the work bench and put the tool back.”

We could break down this to the following steps:

  1. Display Step: First we want to display some text to the user to help them understand the purpose of this scenario

  2. Teleport: Have the user go to the work table in this step

  3. Grab: Have the user pick up the tool in this step

  4. Teleport: Have the user go to the work site

  5. Gaze: Have the user inspect the faulty pipe

  6. Use: The user uses the tool on the faulty pipe

  7. Teleport: Teleport back to the work table

  8. Snap: Put the tool back in its place

Now we are aware of the steps you would need to take you can start creating your own Graph and using the Ready To Use Prefabs to craft your own module.

  • Your own module you created during the set up window should located in “Assets > Scenes > Modules”.

  • Your Environment scene for the module will be located in “Assets > Scenes > Environment”.

  • The Graph you made will be located in “Assets > Graphs”

    Remember to check the example interaction scene if you ever get stuck.

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