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Navigating virtual environments in an intuitive and immersive manner is paramount for delivering a memorable VR experience. Flow gives developers with three distinct methods to facilitate movement within their VR training scenarios, ensuring adaptability to diverse training contexts and optimal user comfort.

Teleport Points

Teleport Points are predefined locations within the VR environment to which users can instantly teleport. By offering precise control over user movement, they ensure that users engage with particular areas or objects vital for the training experience. Furthermore, Teleport Points can integrate fluidly with the Graph Visual Scripting system, guiding scenario progression based on user location.

Teleport Areas

Providing more flexibility, Teleport Areas allow users to move at will within delineated planes. Instead of being tethered to specific points, users can select any spot within the designated zone, granting a broader sense of exploration while still defining spatial boundaries.

First Person Area (For Desktop Users)

Tailored for desktop users, the First Person Area defines the boundaries within which players can move using the keyboard and mouse. This method facilitates a traditional first-person perspective and experience, making it intuitive for those accustomed to classic desktop controls. In conjunction with this, desktop users can also utilize Teleport Points for swift navigation.

Each locomotion technique has been crafted with a blend of adaptability and user comfort, allowing developers to pick the method that best suits the unique requirements of their training scenario, thereby guaranteeing a seamless and immersive learning journey.

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