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Set Object Active State

Similar to the Set Component State action, this action will set an GameObject as a whole on or off. This can be useful in many cases but some notable examples would be, Setting a teleport point active on the required step. Turning off a broken pipe once its fixed and turning on a fixed pipe at the same time, or even turning a whole teleport area off when its not needed.

The boxes objects being set to not active by a Set Object Active Action when the Step is completed


A Set Object Active State Action Node

Follow these steps to set up a new Set Object Active State Action.

  1. Open a graph.

  2. Right click and Create a new Set Object Active State Action (Actions → Set Object Active State).

  3. Reference the GameObject you want to turn on or off.

  4. Set its state to be either on or off.


That's it. Now when a the action is called the chosen GameObject will be set to the selected state.

For more information on the other inputs and outputs found on this node see Actions

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