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The second Node type available to use in the Luminous Flow SDK are action nodes. Like Step nodes they also share some similarities such as an entry point (but this time its named act) as well as a game mode selection. The main difference between Step nodes and action nodes is that Action nodes do not progress the user through the graph instead they're simply called by step nodes to allow functionality to happen where user input is not needed.

The Teleport Step (bottom) with three action steps linked to its start actions.

Often in a scenario there will be many more actions than steps. In the example above we can see the step the user needs to complete is to teleport to a location. We can also see when that step is entered some sort of visuals is turned on, a show display (action) is also shown as well as the hand menu text getting updated.

Whilst the user only needs to teleport to complete this step the added actions can help give them an indication of what they're supposed to be doing, especially for training mode.

Actions can also be called when a step is completed too. Giving the flexibility of the action happening when a step is started of completed.

Action Types Supported by the Flow SDK

Each of these step types offers a unique interaction, ensuring a varied and comprehensive training experience. Dive into each one to harness their full potential and integrate them effectively within your VR scenarios.

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