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Highlight Object

The highlight object action will make an object be highlighted when called. This can be useful when trying to draw a users attention to an object or area so that other steps can be performed.

An Example of an object (Person on a ladder) being highlighted, prompting the use to explore more

Another thing to note on this step is the inclusion of “Undo Entry Points” this functionality allows the undoing of this step after a given step is complete. This can be useful for turning off the highlight after the user has for example grabbed or snapped it etc.

A walkie talkie object being Highlighted


A Highlight Object Step Node

Follow these steps to set up a new Highlighted Object Action.

  1. Start with an empty game object.

  2. Attach a “Guid Component” script.

  3. Attach a “Mesh Filter” Component and select a mesh.

  4. Attach a “Mesh Renderer” Component and select a material.

  5. Attach the “Highlight Effect” Script.

  6. Select the Luminous Highlight Profile in the Profile Field

  7. Add the script named “Graph Highlight Interface”

  8. Open a graph.

  9. Right click and Create a new Highlight Object Action (Actions → Highlight Object).

  10. Reference the Graph Highlight we made in a previous step.

Setting the Profile for the Highlight Effect

That's it. Now when a the action is called the chosen object will be highlighted.

For more information on the other inputs and outputs found on this node see Actions

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